On a misty, cold and wet night, the only solution to the weather-based blues was a Winter Warmer for all three Morris dancing sides in the village. Sharp & Blunt and the Adderbury Morris Men joined us in the Institute for an evening of Morris and Ceilidh, music and song, food, drink and good company.
Each side danced in turn and when we have the opportunity to watch each other, the heritage of our rich dance tradition is so impressive! Ryan writes: After a few dances, we realised that we didn’t need the heating on high and luckily, we managed to contact a member of the hall team who made an adjustment for us. I write this as a personal reminder note: you don’t need the heating on ‘high’ in a room with 70 + people dancing! The Morris dancing part of the evening concluded with all three sides participating in Brighton Camp and as depicted, a mass Shepherds’ Hey.

After the Morris dancing, the kitchen team served up a buffet of delights with options including lasagne, chilli, Bolognese, Spanish omelette, nut roast and a wide range of cakes to follow. Thanks to all the providers of our feast, particularly to all the Jordan family members, Ana, Kim, Sue, Jacky, Rachel and Richard and to everyone who helped by either providing food, or serving it on the night itself. An honourable mention goes to Dylan and David who were unable to make it, but provided food and to everyone who rolled up their sleeves and got on with the practicalities of shifting tables, chairs and litter collecting. The tidying up at the end of the evening was quick and extremely efficient. We are so thankful that our team extends beyond our dancers and musicians, and this is a perfect example of how coming together as a community really made something special. Thanks also to the team at the Institute for the use of the hall – a perfect gathering place for the event.
After the meal, more music and dancing followed and we should like to thank Donald for masterminding the latter part of the evening. It was a nice mixture of music, song and social dance, with contributions from members and friends of all three sides. Particular thanks to Mike for providing his PA system, to Pete North for teaching and calling the dances and to our splendid 11 piece ceilidh band. A lovely example of the harmony and cooperation that now exists between the Adderbury sides.
Thanks to all who came along and who helped to make the Winter Warmer event such a great success. We had nothing but compliments from the other sides, who were as pleased as we were to share in the delights of dancing, song, food and good company. Sharp & Blunt wrote: Thank you so much to Adderbury Village Morris Men for hosting last night’s Winter Warmer. We had a great time dancing with you and the Adderbury Morris Men. Sharp & Blunt also posted some lovely photos on their Facebook page which we will share via the AVMM Facebook page. John writes: On behalf of our entire team, I’d like to thank our splendid Squire, Ryan, who masterminded the whole event and kept order with his clear and well timed announcements throughout the evening.
Evenings where all three sides come together are truly incredible, and it was a fantastic start to a year of anniversary celebrations for all three sides. We are looking forward to the Day of Dance (on the 26th of April), when all three sides are together again.
Ryan and John