Chacombe Care Home Fete, 20 July 19

AVMM were delighted to provide the annual Summer Fete entertainment once more on a warm afternoon in the idyllic grounds of the Chacombe Care Home. As residents and visitors enjoyed a variety of food stuffs and tried their luck on the tombolas and raffles, they were able to watch a strong Adderbury side perform a dozen of their dances spread over two sets with a break for much needed ice creams and other refreshments. Several members of the crowd shared happy memories of the early days of the 70s revival side with the current dancers. One, in particular, with great fondness recalled our fool entertaining the locals at his late mother’s pub in North Oxfordshire. Six members of the audience volunteered to try their hand at Morris dancing in our audience participation version of Shepherd’s Hey. Three young boys, aged between two and seven, showed considerable potential, no doubt inspired by the excellent dancing of young Owen, who didn’t put a foot wrong all afternoon. Once again, Ryan called the majority of the dances and he and Troy performed a splendid Jockey to the Fair, mirrored on this occasion by Percy the horse, ably ridden by David.

Troy and Ryan dance Jockey to the Fair. Photo courtesy of Hannah

I am very grateful to Donald for arranging the booking and for providing the music on his splendid Serrenelli button accordion. Also, thanks to Richard, David, Troy,  Ryan and others who continue to turn out regularly and ensure that AVMM always fields a full complement of skilful dancers at each booking. As is traditional, we concluded our performance with an impressive display of sticking on Brighton Camp.

Squire John Ekers

AVMM performing at the annual Chacombe Care Home Summer Fete. Photo courtesy of Hannah

People’s Park Centenary, Banbury, 14 July 19

AVMM were honoured to be invited by Banbury Town Council to participate in this unique celebration of local societies, history and culture. A large crowd enjoyed the various stalls, entertainments and displays of local produce and societies. Following the grand procession which opened proceedings, our musician, Donald talked about the history of the side for Radio Oxford, before they featured an interview with someone called Ed Sheeran, who is apparently a popular musician, if not perhaps as versatile as our Donald.

Most of the dancers who had turned out at Kineton the previous day performed again in front of the large crowds attending this magnificent event. In addition, we were joined by the grand old man of the side, Dorset Dave, whose experience was much appreciated on popular dances such as Lads a’Bunchum, Sweet Jenny Jones and Postman’s Knock. Dave also used the microphone to good effect, introducing the audience to three generations of the same family with six year old Owen, proving particularly popular with the crowd. Donald dedicated our performance of Old Woman Tossed Up In A Blanket to our fool, Bryan, who in the past, used to recite the children’s rhyme which precedes the dance. As usual we completed our programme by inviting members of the crowd to join us in Brighton Camp. Following this, several members of the audience wanted to find out more about our particular style of Cotswold Morris with at least two serious enquiries about joining the side from potential new recruits. It was a joy to be part of such a happy celebration of all that is best about life in the Banbury area.

Celebrating the centenary of People’s Park, Banbury – photo courtesy of the Banbury Guardian

I am grateful that we have in the current side so many talented dancers of a wide range of ages. The standard of dancing over the whole weekend was exceptionally high. This is a result of a most productive practice season and the fact that we now have a core of regular dancers who perform regularly together and who know our repertoire well enough to dance in any position.

Our next dance out is at Chacombe Park Care Home on Saturday, 20 July.

Squire John Ekers

Kineton Farmers’ Market, 13th July 19

Eight dancers from the side, together with our musician Donald, entertained an enthusiastic crowd at the excellent Kineton Farmers’ village market on Saturday 13th July – a regular AVMM booking for a number of years. With three dancers, Theo, Dylan and Owen all under 13 years of age, increasing in confidence and improving all the time, the future of the side looks rosy.

Theo, Owen and Dylan watching the AVMM ‘Jockey to the Fair’ jig

We danced most of the dances in our repertoire with Ryan and Troy’s Jockey to the Fair Jig being particularly impressive. Ryan and Theo, together with Squire John, shared in the calling of the dances and there were plenty of willing volunteers from the crowd for both Shepherds’ Hey and Brighton Camp. As well as being paid our usual fee, we were offered a choice of fresh apple juice or home brewed beer to refresh us on a warm and humid morning. We look forward to returning to Kineton again soon.

Troy and Ryan performing ‘Jockey to the Fair’

Squire John Ekers

Caister Carnival Weekend, Norfolk, 29-30 June 19

At the invitation of long standing member of the side and Caister resident, Robin Wilkinson, an experienced squad of AVMM dancers, Donald our lead musician and Bagman, and a small coterie of supporters descended on this lovely Norfolk seaside village for a weekend of sunshine, laughter, dance and song. Robin booked us in at two excellent local pubs for the Saturday evening where we were welcomed by the friendly locals who applauded every dance with great enthusiasm and volunteered willingly for any audience participation numbers. On a warm summer’s evening we were able to dance until the light finally started to fade and then we continued to entertain the locals with Donald leading the singing with a little help from backing musicians and percussionists. As well as receiving a small donation for the side we were also bought drinks by the locals and one of the landlords. The relaxed ambience of the outside drinking and dining areas of the pubs provided the ideal environment to run through the full range of our dances and to ensure that our latest new recruit, James, an experienced performer with Norwich based Kemp’s Men and Golden Star Morris, could perform all our dances to a high standard.

On the Sunday afternoon we were booked as star guests at the Caister Carnival and Fete and entertained the large crowd for an hour in the main arena. The sun continued to shine and once again we were inundated by volunteers wanting to try out AVMM’s unique style of Morris. Had the Squire brought more sticks, we could have accommodated even more on the final Brighton Camp. Particular thanks to Robin for organising the weekend, to Ryan, who called every dance and worked out a well judged programme of dances and to Dorset Dave and his wife, Chris, who made a particular effort to join us.

Squire John Ekers

AVMM performed at the Caister-on-Sea Carnival in sunny Norfolk on Sunday 30 June 2019